International Journal of Pharmacy & Therapeutics will accept the following contributions: Original research articles; review articles; short communications; case reports; letters to the Editors.
International Journal of Pharmacy & Therapeutics is an official journal, publishing original scientific research in all fields of pharmacy. International Journal of Pharmacy & Therapeutics publishes original research work that contributes significantly to further the scientific knowledge in pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences (Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmacy Practice, Clinical and Hospital Pharmacy, Pharmacognosy, Natural Product Research, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology of Pharmaceutical Interest). International Journal of Pharmacy & Therapeutics publishes original research work either as a Full Research Paper or as a Short Communication.
The primary criteria for acceptance and publication are scientific rigor and potential to advance the field. It is essential that authors prepare their manuscripts according to established specifications. Failure to follow them may result in papers being delayed or rejected. Therefore, contributors are strongly encouraged to read these instructions carefully before preparing a manuscript for submission. The manuscripts should be checked carefully for grammatical errors. All papers are subjected to peer review.
Submitted manuscripts must meet the following criteria:
- The material must be original
- The writing must be clear, concise and unambiguous
- The data are valid
- The discussions and conclusions drawn by the authors must be reasonable and supportable
- The information must be relevant and interesting.
Manuscript Preparation
The following detailed instructions are necessary to allow direct reproduction of the manuscript for rapid publishing. Manuscript should be typewritten in Times Roman, 12 font size, double-spaced, title should be in a font size 14, bold face capitals, with margins of at least one inch on all sides. Pages should be numbered consecutively, starting with the title page and the matter arranged in the following order: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion, Acknowledgements, References. Abstract should start on a separate page and each table or figure should be on main body of the text.
Abstract: Should start on a new page after the title page and should present the aim of the study, material and methods, results and conclusions, not more than 300 words. All the three categories, Review Articles, Research papers and Short Communications should have an Abstract.
Key Words
Three or more key words must be provided by authors for indexing of their article. Key words will be listed directly below the Abstract.
Introduction: Should start on a new page and should clearly indicate the aim of the study.
Materials and Methods: This section should include concise details on the methodology adopted, sufficient to repeat the experiment. Extracts and/or fractions tested for in vitro or in vivo biological/pharmacological activities should be chemically defined, at least by means of the results of preliminary phytochemical screening. Complete formulation details of all crude drug mixtures and extracts should be mentioned. The plant name should be fully mentioned when cited first, and the authors are asked to add the details regarding its identification, voucher herbarium specimen number and name of the herbarium institution where it has been deposited.
The statistical method and the level of significance chosen should be clearly stated.
Results: All results presented in tabular or graphical form shall be described in this section. All Tables and figures must have a title and a legend to make them self-explanatory and they should be given numbers. Each table or figure should be on main body of the text.
Discussion: should contain a critical review of the results of the study with the support of relevant literature. It can end with brief conclusions.
Acknowledgements and Funding: All acknowledgments should be typed in one paragraph directly preceding the reference section.The research has been funded by any specific project grant or institution
Tables/FiguresIncorporate tables and/or figures with their legends into the main body of text.
References should be referred to by name and year (Harvard system) in the text (e.g.: Pierce and Broadman, 1963; Smith, 1999; Lindsey et al., 1987) and listed alphabetically at the end of the paper in reference section.
Journals: Author (last name) AB (initials), Author BB. Title of Article. Journal name, volume, year, page numbers.
Lee EB, Shin KH, Woo WS. Pharmacological study on piperine. Archives of Pharmaceutical Research, 7(2), 1984, 127 - 132.
Books: Author AB, Author BB, Author CC. Title of Book, Ed, Vol, Publisher, City, year: page numbers.
Strunk W, White EB, The Elements of Style, 3rd ed., Macmillan, New York : 1979.
Book in chapter:
Mettam GR, Adams LB, In: Jones BS, Smith RZ, Introduction to the Electronic Age, Edn 2, Vol. 3. E-Publishing, New York, 1994: 281.
Ethical guidelines
- They are subject to editorial review,
- They have not been and will not be published in whole or in part in any other journal, and
- Authors using experimental animals and human subjects in their investigation must seek approval from the appropriate Ethical Committee in accordance with "Principles of Laboratory Animal Care" and/or the declaration of Helsinki promulgated in 1964 as amended in 1996.
Article Proofs
Page proofs are sent to the designated author through e-mail. They must be carefully checked and returned the revised manuscript within 48 hours of receipt.
Authors are asked to sign a warranty and copyright agreement upon acceptance of their manuscript, before the manuscript can be published. The Copyright Transfer Agreement can be downloaded here (in editable PDF ).